© Cristian Baicus 2012
Réalisé avec Xara
Born on 2nd of March 1964 in Bucharest, Romania
Adress: Bucharest, sect.4
Personal web page: www.baicus.ro
E-mail: cristian [at] baicus.ro
St. Sava High School, Bucharest (1978-1982)
University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest (Faculty of General Medicine) (1983-1989)
Professor, University of Medicine Bucharest, Chair of Internal medicine Colentina (since 2014) and Chair of Clinical Research
Methodology (since 2007)
Senior doctor, Specialist in internal medicine, Chief of the 2nd Department of Internal Medicine, Colentina Clinical Hospital (since
PhD since 2003
Teaching undergraduate courses of Internal Medicine, Medical Emergencies and Medical Research Methodology (University of
Medicine Bucharest), and postgraduate courses of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (Universites of Medicine Bucharest,
Târgu Mureş and Brasov- Doctoral Schools, University of Medicine Iasi, University of Medicine Cluj). I taught Clinical
Epidemiology for undergraduate courses of Public Health and for the Master of Public Health.
Faculty member of the United European Gastroenterology Practice Course: Evidence Based Medicine (since 2014).
Project manager of 2 national grants and participant in international and national grants.
Sept-nov 1994: stage in the Critical care unit, Mont Godinne University Hospital, Belgium
1995- 1996: stage in the Department of Internal Medicine, Edouard Herriot Hospital, Lyons, France
1995- 1996: Diplome Universitaire de Specialisation Approfondie en Medicine Interne and Diplome Universitaire
d’Epidemiologie Clinique et Biostatistique, Claude Bernard University, Lyons, France
Aug 1997: Summer school, Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
Director of the Bucharest Clinical Epidemiology Unit, member of RECIF (Reseau d`Epidemiologie Clinique International
Francophone) and INCLEN (International Clinical Epidemiology Network)
2014-2019: General Secretary of the Romanian Society of Internal Medicine.
Author of the First multicentric study in Romania/ first prospective study on Fever of Unknown Origin in Central and Eastern
Europe -between year 1996 and 2000 [Baicus C, Bolosiu HD, Tanasescu C, Baicus A. Fever of unknown origin-predictors of
outcome. A prospective multicenter study on 164 patients. Eur J Intern Med. 2003 Jul;14(4):249-254].
Author of the First RCT in Romania [Baicus C, Tanasescu C. In chronic viral hepatitis, the treatment with spiruline for one month
has no effect on the aminotransferases. Rom J Intern Med. 2002;40(1-4):89-94.
Author of the First N-of-1 RCT in Romania [Baicus C, Baicus A. Spirulina did not ameliorate idiopathic chronic fatigue in four N-
of-1 randomized controlled trials. Phytother Res. 2007;21(6):570-3].
Reviewer for Dynamed, chapters Acute pyelonephritis, Anemia – differential diagnosis, tutor for the residents who reviewed the
chapters Pulmonary sarcoidosis, Cardiac sorcoidosis, Acute variceal hemorrhage, Gastroesophageal variceal hemorrhage -
primary prophylaxis, Dyspnea, Aortic stenosis, Eosinophilic esophagitis, Huntington disease, Interstitial lung disease) (DynaMed
[Internet]. Ipswich (MA): EBSCO Publishing. 1995 – .[cited 2011 Dec 17]. Available from http://www.ebscohost.com/DynaMed/.
Registration and login required.).
Reviewer for First Consult (Elsevier), chapter: Involuntary weight loss.
Reviewer for European Journal of Internal Medicine, Canadian Medical Association Journal, Phytotherapy Research, Nutrition and
Metabolism, BMC Gastroenterology, Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis, PLOS one.
Consultant in statistics/ courses of statistics/ courses of clinical epidemiology and evidence based medicine for United European
Gastroenterology, Romanian Society of Cardiology, Romanian Society of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases, Romanian
Society of Hypertension, Novartis Romania, Bristol-Myers Squibb Romania, Glaxo Smithkline Romania, Merck Sharp & Dohme
Romania, Beaufour IPSEN Romania, Astra Zeneca Romania, Abbott Romania, Amgen Romania, LOI Medical Services, CEBIS
Romania, Labormed, Roche Romania, UCB Romania, Johnson&Johnson Romania.
Independent expert - Evaluator for European Commission (FP7 projects - 2011, 2012, H2020 - 2014, 2015) , and for the Polish
National Centre for Research and Developement (2013, 2014).
C. Baicus - "Dictionary of Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence-based Medicine"(Romanian). Editura Medicala 2002, Bucharest.
C. Baicus - "Evidence-based medicine. How do we understand clinical studies"(Romanian). Editura Medicala 2007, Bucharest.
3 chapters in “Antiphospholipid syndrome”, Editura Academiei, Bucharest, 2005 (Editor: Professor Coman Tanasescu).
2 chapters in “Epidemiologic studies in oro-dental prevention”, Editura Cermaprint, Bucuresti 2009 (Editor: dr. Cristian Funieru).
1chapter: A Baicus, C Baicus. Nonpolio Enteroviruses, Polioviruses, and Human CNS Infections. În: SK Singh, D
Ruzek (Editors), Neuroviral Infections. CRC Press (Routledge, Taylor&Francis Group), 2013.
1 chapter: C Baicus. Using and interpreting diagnostic tests. In: G Williams, S Doi (Editors), Methods of Clinical
Epidemiology. Springer, 2013.
1 chapter: C. Baicus. Upstream therapy in atrial fibrillation. In: GA Dan, A Bayes de Luna, J Camm (Editors). Atrial
fibrillation therapy. Springer, 2013.
113 articles on Medline
Foreign languages: English, French.
Abilities: PC/MacIntosh: Microsoft Office; SPSS, STATA, EpiInfo, InStat (statistics); Metastock (stock exchange analysis).
Cristian BAICUS
Curriculum vitae